Far from clichés, Orgasme(s) is a fiction inspired by various real-life experiences: it is the story of Lisa, a young lady, embodied by a puppet. Lisa discovers one day that she has never experienced an orgasm and goes on a quest for pleasure.
Attentive to celebrate the beauty and magic of sexuality, the show Orgasme(s) allows itself to say and show the intimate in a will of assumed transmission. A dreamlike ode to universal, multiple, multi-form and often elusive pleasure.
Creation : June 2022
Creation: 2022
Supported by Lara Ceulemans as director, the trio performs a courageous show, which contains some powerful scenes, including this one: reassembling the pieces of her body, dislocated after a failed sexual experience, Lisa’s puppet will gradually find the path to a solitary pleasure, in a stream of sequins, guided by the sisterhood of actresses who have become the bearers of a transmission that, in terms of female sexuality, is sorely lacking in our societies.
Le Soir – Catherine Marekeel
Written, created and performed by : Caroline Taillet, Léone François Janssens, Violette de Leu Collaboration on the direction and dramaturgy: Lara Ceulemans Collaboration on the direction and puppet coach : Marie-Odile Dupuis Scenography : Camille Burckel de Tell, with the help of Hélène Meyssirel, Sophia Dilinos and Anna Terrien Costumes : Jackye Fauconnier Puppetry construction : Valentin Périlleux Patina puppets : Loïc Nebreda Lighting design and stage manager : Grégoire Tempels Sound production : Julie Rens Intern : Adèle Evans – Stefan Lathuraz Voice-over : Jo Deseure – Alba Giolo Durieux Stage manager on tour : Lara Cassan Accompaniment, production development and distribution : Ad Lib · Artists support
A creation by the Canine Collectif.
A production by the Canine Collectif and the Théâtre de l’Ancre.
Coproduced by le Vilar and le Théâtre Les Tanneurs and La Coop asbl.
With the help of la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service Théâtre, Ville de Bruxelles (Kangouroe), Shelterprod, Taxshelter.be, ING and the Belgian federal government’s tax-shelter.
With the support of les Riches-Claires, le Théâtre des 4 Mains and the LookIN’OUT.
Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·Je suis une montagne at the Chroniques Festival on January 17, 2025! ·