Les Trois soeurs (version androïde)
The leading exponent of the quiet theatre movement, Oriza Hirata is a playwright of the everyday. His anti-dramatic plays seem to describe nothing. Yet this theatre, which questions our relationship with others and with the contemporary world around us, paints a portrait of families that are slowly withering away.
In this rewrite of the Three Sisters in an android version, Oriza Hirata moves Chekhov into a future that is ultimately close to our concerns today: transhumanism, from cryonics to cloning and robotics, and the increasing virtualisation of experiments.
Jasmina Douieb has chosen to have the androids played by actors and dancers, driven by a desire to work on the ambiguity of the living. Jasmina wants to take a different look at the human habit of trying to distinguish between the living and the non-living, between beings endowed with consciousness and other beings – whether living or not – and at the same time interrogate the principles of domination inherent in the history of humanity.
By giving androids to female actors to play, Jasmina seeks to create a disturbing effect by playing on the strange similarity between humans and machines: the android is both a mirror of our own artificiality and an anti-conformist revelation.