Who has never wondered what was there before? Before prehistory, before the dinosaurs, before the Big Bang, before time?
Kosmos embraces the ancestral vertigo of these questions with never definitive answers, these questions that fire the imagination since Man raised his head towards the stars… Since the dawn of time, we gather around fires, in churches, in cafés, in laboratories, in theaters to ask ourselves these questions. And since always, the Man, without answer, invents stories…
Among all these, Jasmina Douieb and Lara Hubinont have chosen one, very old, which comes from the Greeks. Lovers of complicated words call it “mythology”, but in reality it is the story of a girl called Gaia, who made the sky, the mountains and potato chips, then had a son, a certain Cronos, who himself had quite famous children.
Equipped with a multitude of objects, the two actresses play transformist demiurges and revisit Greek cosmology with humor and poetry.
For all those who want to keep on making things up… Because what is more important than stories to think and dream the world?
This show received the “Prix de la Province de Liège” at the Rencontres Théâtre jeune public of Huy 2022
With a ton of inventiveness, a myriad of objects, delicious playfulness, remarkable sound and light work, multiple references to the world of today’s children and a lot of humour, Jasmina Douieb and Lara Hubinont combine high standards, relaxation and simplicity to draw the audience into a subject that could not be more vast and complex.
Le Ligueur – Sarah Colasse
In addition to surveying the impermanence of things, the chance to exist, the beauty of mystery, and the thirst for knowledge, Kosmos opens an infinite number of small windows like so many questions for thinking about and observing the world.
Le Ligueur – Sarah Colasse